Tendencias clave en relaciones públicas para 2025: adaptarse al futuro.

El papel de las relaciones públicas jugará un rol fundamental en ayudar a las empresas a navegar un panorama digital complejo, donde la tecnología, la sostenibilidad y la autenticidad serán los pilares clave. Aquí te compartimos las tendencias que marcarán el rumbo de la industria, para utilizarlas a favor de las empresas.
BAMBU x Neverless: cómo lanzamos una App de Crypto en dos mercados al mismo tiempo, España y Argentina.

Neverless, una fintech nacida en Reino Unido de la mano de tres ex-directivos de Revolut, se puso en contacto con nuestra agencia para ayudarles con la comunicación del lanzamiento de su app de forma simultánea en dos mercados a priori totalmente distintos: España y Argentina. El doble objetivo era ambicioso: posicionar a Neverless la única […]
Communicate to connect: the keys to making effective messages

When we talk about communication as a discipline, we rarely mention the numbers that accompany it, but when it comes to being effective, these figures are a vital part. 80% of communication is not what you say, but how you say it, which allows us to measure the responsibility we have when issuing a message, […]
How to Measure the ROI and Editorial Value of Clipping in Press Communications

Clipping, which involves the collection and analysis of mentions of a company in the media, has become a strategic tool to measure the impact of communication actions. In a context where information circulates quickly and reaches a wide audience, clipping helps us determine where news is published, how many people read it and, most importantly, […]
How Santiago Ways Raised Its Visibility and Reputation in the Travel Sector

In the competitive world of tourism, standing out from the crowd can be a monumental challenge. However, Santiago Ways, a company specialized in trips to the Camino de Santiago, managed to do it with great success. In this blog, we share how our communication strategy helped Santiago Ways achieve significant visibility and strengthen its reputation […]
Effective Communication at the Global Association of Theme Parks and Resorts (IAAPA) Fair

In a world where communication and visibility are keys to success, the Global Association of Theme Parks and Resorts (IAAPA) fair faced the challenge of standing out in the crowded media landscape. With the need to enhance both its presence in the Spanish media and the technological and security innovation of the industry, IAAPA trusted […]